Namespace SadRogue.Primitives
Structure representing a method for determining which coordinates are adjacent to a given coordinate, and which directions those neighbors are in. Cannot be instantiated -- pre-made static instances are provided.
Enum representing AdjacencyRule types. Each AdjacencyRule instance has a Type field which contains the corresponding value from this enum. Useful for easy mapping of AdjacencyRule types to a primitive type (for cases like a switch statement).
Represents an arbitrarily-shaped 2D area. Stores and provides access to a list of each unique position in the area.
Structure representing the result of a rectangle bisection.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all rectangles in the given bisection result efficiently. Generally, you should simply use a BisectionResult in a foreach loop, rather than creating one of these manually.
This class defines a 2D rectangular area, whose area is automatically "locked" to being inside a rectangular bounding box as it is changed. A typical use might be keeping track of a camera's view area.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the on a line using the Bresenham line algorithm efficiently.
Generally, you should use GetBresenhamLine(Point, Point) to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
Represents chebyshev distance (equivalent to 8-way movement with no extra cost for diagonals).
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the outside of a circle efficiently.
Generally, you should use GetCircle(Point, Int32) to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
Describes a 32-bit packed color.
Contains set of operators that match ones defined by other packages for interoperability, so syntax may be uniform. Functionality is similar to the corresponding actual operators for Color.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the on a line using the DDA line algorithm efficiently.
Generally, you should use GetDDALine(Point, Point) to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
Structure representing the concept of a "direction" on a grid, and "defines" the coordinate plane via the YIncreasesUpward flag. Interacts with Point to allow easy translation of positions in a direction, and contains numerous helper functions for retrieving directions in various orders, getting direction closest to a line, etc.
Enum representing Direction types. Each Direction instance has a Type field which contains the corresponding value from this enum. Useful for easy mapping of Direction types to a primitive type (for cases like a switch statement).
Class representing methods of calculating distance on a grid. You cannot create instances of this class using a constructor -- instead this class contains static instances representing the various distance calculations.
Enum representing Distance types. Each Distance instance has a Type field which contains the corresponding value from this enum. Useful for easy mapping of Distance types to a primitive type (for cases like a switch statement).
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the outside of an ellipse efficiently.
Generally, you should use GetEllipse(Point, Point) to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
Represents euclidean distance (equivalent to 8-way movement with ~1.41 movement cost for diagonals).
Represents a gradient with multiple color stops.
A gradient stop. Defines a color and where it is located within the gradient.
Class designed as a helper for situations where you need to generate and assign a unique integer to each instance of a class, eg. for a class implementing IHasID.
Provides implementations of various line-drawing algorithms which are useful for generating lines on a 2D integer grid.
Various supported line-drawing algorithms.
A custom enumerator that simply iterates over a List. It differs from C#'s built-in iterator in that it also implements IEnumerable, and so can be used as a substitute for IEnumerable<T>.
Represents manhattan distance (equivalent to 4-way, cardinal-only movement).
Static class consisting of mathematical "helper" functions and constants that can be useful for performing operations on a 2D grid.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the on a line using the Orthogonal line algorithm efficiently.
Generally, you should use GetOrthogonalLine(Point, Point) to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
A palette of colors.
A structure that represents a standard 2D point. Provides numerous functions and operators that enable common grid/position-related math and operations.
Contains set of operators that match ones defined by other packages for interoperability, so syntax may be uniform. Functionality is similar to the corresponding actual operators for Point.
A Polar Coordinate.
Helper functions useful for implementing events using ValueChangedEventArgs<TProperty> as their parameter.
Structure representing different shapes that define the concept of a radius on a grid. You cannot create instances of this class using a constructor -- instead, this class contains static instances representing the various radius shapes.
Enum representing Radius types. Each Radius instance has a Type field which contains the corresponding value from this enum. Useful for easy mapping of Radius types to a primitive type (for cases like a switch statement).
A context representing information necessary to get all the positions in a radius via functions like PositionsInRadius(RadiusLocationContext). Storing a context and re-using it may be more performant in cases where you're getting the positions in a radius of the same size many times, even if the location center point or shape of the radius is changing.
Extension methods for IReadOnlyArea.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions within an area with a foreach loop efficiently.
A structure similar to ListEnumerator<T>, but for IReadOnlyList<T>. It is not quite as fast as ListEnumerator<T>, but is still faster than using the typical Enumerable implementation for IReadOnlyList. You should only use this if you can't use ListEnumerator<T> due to the type you're working with; they share the same characteristics otherwise.
Represents a 2D rectangle. Provides numerous static functions that enable creation and common operations involving rectangles.
Contains set of operators that match ones defined by other packages for interoperability, so syntax may be uniform. Functionality is similar to the corresponding actual operators for Color.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions on the outside edges of a rectangle efficiently.
Generally, you should use PerimeterPositions() to get an instance of this, rather than creating one yourself.
A custom enumerator used to iterate over all positions within a rectangle efficiently.
Provides implementations of various shape algorithms which are useful for for generating points representing shapes on a 2D integer grid.
Static class containing extension extension methods for printing various built-in C# classes (as well as some grid views) as strings neatly.
Useful for debugging, and within the primitives library for ToString implementations.
Event arguments for an event fired when an object's properties are changed. Often used with SafelySetProperty<TObject, TProperty>(TObject, ref TProperty, TProperty, EventHandler<ValueChangedEventArgs<TProperty>>) and other overloads of that function.
Interface for a class that has an integer ID value, typically used for items in a spatial map, or generally for purposes of hashing.
Interface for objects that reside on a "Z-index" or "layer".
Interface implemented to define a form of checking value equality, without guarantees that it corresponds to GetHashCode.
An interface describing an object which has a position on a grid and can move around.
Read-only interface for an arbitrary 2D area.